Adventures of the Wishing Chair Chapters 5-10
We continue on with our adventures with the wishing chair. I will be covering more chapters this time than last time. I am trying to bunch together roughly half an hour's worth of reading in every post Chapter 5: Poor Lost Chinky The children are on one of their usual jaunts on the wishing chair when Chinky falls off. They meet some little round magical folks carrying bundles on their heads. They inquire about Chinky's whereabouts. After some rude humor, they always get a response regarding the falling of a snow flake off the sky. They finally make it to the town of these round folks and announce a prize through the town crier. Again everyone brings information regarding the very same falling snowflake. The children are puzzled and disappointed. But the town folk start to get angry on not receiving their reward and the children have to flee on the wishing chair. They return home to find Chinky waiting there. It turns out the snow flake the townsfolk spoke about wa...